The Plotting Parlour

Dean Turpin

Mon May 27 13:07:04 UTC 2024

Discrete Fourier Transforms in C++23

The aim of this project is to explore writing an FFT (really a DFT) from scratch and an opportunity to flex the latest C++. The aspiration is to keep up with realtime audio without depending on third-party libraries or firmware. See the pipeline for this repo.

DFT result rendered by gnuplot


The output of gprof is pretty unfriendly to parse for a person, but piping it through gprof2dot is much clearer.

Profile hot spots

Unit testing

Just for fun – and to remove the dependency on gtest – I’ve done all unit testing using static assertions. But I am still using Google Benchmark.

Notable optimistations

Running on a reasonably-powered VM

Performance of a 16-core Google Cloud VM with 62GB of RAM:

The code

#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include <print>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <assert.h>
#include <bits/chrono.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <concepts>
#include <execution>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <numbers>
#include <numeric>
#include <ranges>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

/// The number of bins of the DFT is fixed at compile time. However, it's used
/// in two contexts -- to define the size of containers, and in complex number
/// calculations -- so multiple versions can be instantiated at compile time to
/// avoid conversion at run time.

template <class T> constexpr T bins = T{24'576};

/// The most computationally expensive part of this process is the exponent
/// calculation below, which must be repeated across all samples for every DFT
/// bin. However, there's nothing stopping us doing this up front as it doesn't
/// change.
/// "(n^2) is the sweet spot of badly scaling algorithms: fast enough to make it
/// into production, but slow enough to make things fall down once it gets
/// there."
/// -- Bruce Dawson

/// Warn the compiler that this routine is going to make your computer hot. It
/// would be nice if this could be done at compile time but it's just too darn
/// large. And annoyingly std::exp is not constexpr until C++26
template <typename T> [[gnu::hot]] auto generate_twiddle_matrix() {

  // Initialise matrix
  using row_t = std::vector<std::complex<T>>;
  const auto row = row_t(bins<size_t>);
  auto matrix = std::vector<row_t>(bins<size_t> / 2, row);

  // Create indices to help parallelise the calculation
  std::vector<size_t> ks(bins<size_t> / 2);
  std::iota(begin(ks), end(ks), 0uz);
  std::vector<size_t> ns(bins<size_t>);
  std::iota(begin(ns), end(ns), 0uz);

  // Populate and return matrix
      std::execution::par, begin(ks), end(ks), [&](const auto k) {
        for (const auto n : ns)
          matrix[k][n] = std::exp(T(k) * T(n) * std::complex<T>{0.0f, 2.0f} *
                                  std::numbers::pi_v<T> / bins<T>);

  return matrix;

void BM_generate_twiddle_matrix_float(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state)


/// Conversion from degrees to radians
constexpr auto deg2rad(const std::floating_point auto degrees) {
  using T = std::decay_t<decltype(degrees)>;
  return std::numbers::pi_v<T> * degrees / T{180.0f};

static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(deg2rad(0.0)), double>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(deg2rad(0.0f)), float>);
static_assert(deg2rad(0.1) > 0.0);
static_assert(deg2rad(0.1f) > 0.0f);
static_assert(deg2rad(91.0) > std::numbers::pi_v<double> / 2.0);
static_assert(deg2rad(181.0) > std::numbers::pi_v<double>);
static_assert(deg2rad(181.0f) > std::numbers::pi_v<float>);
static_assert(deg2rad(361.0) > std::numbers::pi_v<double> * 2.0);

void BM_deg2rad(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state)


/// Generate a clean sine wave to play with
constexpr auto generate_sine_wave(const std::floating_point auto frequency) {
  using T = std::decay_t<decltype(frequency)>;

  assert(frequency > T{});

  // Initialise a container with the element index
  std::array<T, bins<size_t>> samples;

  // Populate samples
  for (auto i = 0uz; i < std::size(samples); ++i) {
    const auto x = static_cast<T>(i);
    samples[i] = std::sin(frequency * deg2rad(x));

  return samples;

static_assert(generate_sine_wave(440.0f)[1] > 0.0f);
static_assert(std::size(generate_sine_wave(440.0f)) == bins<size_t>);

void BM_generate_sine_wave_float(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state) {
    const auto samples = generate_sine_wave(440.0f);


void BM_generate_sine_wave_double(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state) {
    const auto samples = generate_sine_wave(440.0);


void BM_generate_sine_wave_long_double(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state) {
    const auto samples = generate_sine_wave(440.0);


/// Get the twiddle for a given pair of indices, note the matrix is initialise
/// on first call
template <typename T> struct twiddle_t {
  constexpr auto operator[](size_t x, size_t y) const {
    assert(x < bins<size_t> / 2);
    assert(y < bins<size_t>);
    static const auto matrix = generate_twiddle_matrix<T>();
    return matrix[x][y];

/// Calculate the sum of all responses for this frequency bin
auto response(const auto &samples, const size_t x) {
  assert(std::size(samples) == bins<size_t>);
  assert(x < bins<size_t> / 2);

  using T = std::decay_t<decltype(samples)>::value_type;

  // Initialise twiddle matrix
  static const twiddle_t<T> twiddle;

  // I wouldn't normally advocate this old-school for-loop style but it's the
  // clearest way to get the sample index into the twiddle calculation
  auto result = std::complex<T>{};

  // Operator overload allows multidimensional array access
  for (const auto &[y, sample] : std::views::enumerate(samples))
    result += sample * twiddle[x, y];

  return result;

void BM_response(benchmark::State &state) {
  constexpr auto samples = generate_sine_wave(440.0f);
  for (auto _ : state) {
    const auto r = response(samples, 1uz);


/// I originally wrote this whole process as one large routine but breaking it
/// up does make the profile results clearer. It's also easier to unit test,
/// benchmark and refactor.

/// Calculate the response across the samples in each bin of the DFT
auto analyse(const auto &samples) {
  assert(std::size(samples) == bins<size_t>);

  // The incoming floating point type is unwieldy so let's define a type alias
  using T = std::decay_t<decltype(samples)>::value_type;

  // Initialise the results container with the index, this allows us to
  // parallelise the calculation without keeping track of the current element's
  // index
  std::vector<T> dft(bins<size_t> / 2);
  std::iota(begin(dft), end(dft), T{});

  // Remember you must link against tbb for any of this execution policy
  // stuff or it will quietly execute serially
  std::for_each(std::execution::par, begin(dft), end(dft), [&](T &bin) {
    // Convert to a real by scaling the absolute value by the number of bins
    bin = std::abs(response(samples, static_cast<size_t>(bin))) / bins<T>;

  return dft;

void BM_analyse_float(benchmark::State &state) {
  constexpr auto samples = generate_sine_wave(2000.0f);
  for (auto _ : state)


/// Dump the DFT results as a CSV for plotting
void write_csv(const auto dft, const std::string stem) {
  assert(not std::empty(stem));
  assert(std::size(dft) == bins<size_t> / 2);

  using T = decltype(dft)::value_type;

  const std::string file_name = "../csv/" + stem + ".csv";

  if (std::ofstream csv_file{file_name}; csv_file.good())
    std::ranges::copy(dft, std::ostream_iterator<T>(csv_file, "

/// Write the summary string to file
void write_summary(const auto stats) {

  assert(not std::empty(stats));

  std::ofstream out{"summary.txt"};
  for (const auto &[key, value] : stats) {
    out << "- ";

    if (std::holds_alternative<size_t>(value))
      out << std::get<size_t>(value);
    if (std::holds_alternative<float>(value))
      out << std::get<float>(value);
    if (std::holds_alternative<double>(value))
      out << std::get<double>(value);

    out << " " << key << "

/// Read a WAV file and return the samples as a container of floating points
template <typename T> auto read_wav(const std::string file_name) {

  // Structure of a WAV header
  struct {
    uint32_t riff_id_;
    uint32_t riff_size_;
    uint32_t wave_tag_;
    uint32_t format_id_;
    uint32_t format_size_;
    uint32_t format_tag_ : 16;
    uint32_t channels_ : 16;
    uint32_t sample_rate_;
    uint32_t bytes_per_second_;
    uint32_t block_align_ : 16;
    uint32_t bit_depth_ : 16;
    uint32_t data_id_;
    uint32_t data_size_;
  } header;

  assert(sizeof header == 44uz);

  // Read WAV header
  std::ifstream audio{file_name};<char *>(&header), sizeof header);

  // Read a block of raw data to analyse
  std::vector<short> raw(bins<size_t>);
  const size_t raw_bytes = std::size(raw) * sizeof(decltype(raw)::value_type);<char *>(, raw_bytes);

  // Convert to target type
  return std::vector<T>{raw.cbegin(), raw.cend()};

void BM_read_wav_float(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state)


void BM_read_wav_double(benchmark::State &state) {
  for (auto _ : state)


/// Run DFT for all WAV files
template <typename T> void run_dft() {

  // Get list of files to process
  const std::filesystem::path p{"../wav/"};
  const std::vector files(std::filesystem::directory_iterator{p}, {});
  assert(not std::empty(files));

  // Start timer for main process
  using namespace std::chrono;
  const auto start_timing = high_resolution_clock::now();

  // Calculate DFT for each file
  std::println("Processing {} files", std::size(files));
  for (const auto &file : files) {

    // Skip any unsupported file types
    if (not(file.path().extension() == ".wav"))

    const std::string file_name = file.path();
    std::println("  {}", file_name);

    // Get samples for a WAV file and analyse
    const auto samples = read_wav<T>(file_name);
    const auto dft = analyse(samples);

    assert(std::size(dft) == bins<size_t> / 2);

    // Get the base file name and write DFT to disk
    write_csv(dft, file.path().stem());

  // Create summary
  const auto end_timing = high_resolution_clock::now();
  const auto diff = duration_cast<microseconds>(end_timing - start_timing);
  const auto samples_per_second =
      1e6f * static_cast<float>(std::size(files) * bins<size_t>) /

  std::map<std::string, std::variant<size_t, float, double>> stats;
  stats["cores"] = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
  stats["files"] = std::size(files);
  stats["GiB twiddle matrix"] =
      bins<size_t> * (bins<size_t> / 2) * sizeof(T) / std::pow(2.0f, 30);
  stats["s analysis duration"] = static_cast<float>(diff.count()) / 1e6f;
  stats["samples per second"] =
      1e6f * static_cast<float>(std::size(files) * bins<size_t>) /
  stats["DFT bins"] = bins<size_t>;
  stats["x speed up"] = samples_per_second / bins<T>;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);


WAVs processed during profiling

DFT for JF_fibreglass_slide.csv.png DFT for KP_guest.csv.png DFT for bamboo_drone.csv.png DFT for didgeridoo_big_tony_drone.csv.png DFT for didgeridoo_big_tony_toot.csv.png DFT for glass1.csv.png DFT for glass2.csv.png DFT for glass3.csv.png DFT for glass5.csv.png DFT for singing_bowl1.csv.png DFT for singing_bowl2.csv.png DFT for singing_bowl3.csv.png DFT for singing_bowl5.csv.png DFT for synthesised_chord.csv.png DFT for synthesised_chord_whole_freqs.csv.png DFT for synthesised_overtones.csv.png DFT for tony_100_200_300hz.csv.png DFT for tony_100hz.csv.png DFT for tony_200hz.csv.png DFT for tony_50hz.csv.png